post on reflection.

“Today is one that all American’s can probably agree affected them so profoundly that it will Never be forgotten”
I tried to sit down and put my feelings about September 11th into words, and I stopped. It’s October 9th and I noticed this “draft” so, I’m just gonna close it out. What I feel is still private and quiet inside of me. I can tell you that those events changed me in a way that made me FEEL a little closer to the FLAG that I served under. It motivated me to WANT to make changes and contribute to my country in one of the DARKEST moments of my lifetime. I along with so many other Americans have strong feelings some expressed and some still locked up inside real tight. I never really tried to finish my thoughts… least not out loud but either way…..I WAS in my Feelings. The day past and just like that I could focus on something different. In the same way I WON’T forget I have to also acknowledge that life changed for me. The path in front of me suddenly switched directions and I found myself marching into something different and important. I found a part of myself that I thought I’d lost a long time ago. For what it’s worth I will ALWAYS be in my feelings and once again, I’m cool with that. Stay with me, there is so many GREAT things coming and I want to Share them all with y’all! Remember it’s a community we have to grow it.