Hey hope all is well with ya! I have been super duper busy, trying to pack and get our house ready for sale……(It sold YAAAAY!!!). I thought I was going to take this class while I was doing all of this other stuff…mmmmmm NOPE, it didn’t work out for me. What I was able to do was continue on the path of preparing to move from Washington to Arizona within the next 30 days! Why? because that is all I can do and GUESS WHAT????? THAT IS OKAY! Seriously one of the hardest thing for me to do is stop BEATING the crap out of myself for not doing everything. I am my HARDEST critic as such a lot of times I am my biggest obstacle as well. I realized after 2-3 weeks of class along with packing, cleaning, staging and what not, something needed to be adjusted. I realized I couldn’t possibly give this class the attention it needed to be successful so I am revisiting the course once I get settled in AZ. WHEEEW GURL, that felt good, that’s it, my decision to do what I can do …..When I can and deuces to everything else. This move is my 50 meter target so that is where my energy will be focused. I don’t know about y’all but coming out of the COVID environment is requiring me to move more intentional. Everyone has a different idea of how to proceed ( I’m not going there!). A big part of our process is to complete this journey safely first and foremost. I want this to be a great experience that I can share with everyone along the way. I am going to VLOG as much as I can, it’s gonna be so cool! We still have so much to do but the journey has begun…..