When I retired the only thing I wanted to do was smoke a BIG FAT ASS JOINT….(that’s what I called them). I did that and it took one puff to put me in the clouds, WOW what a trip. I sat down after my ‘lil” puff and realized my MIND was so CLEAR. I mean I have total recall of things that I had long forgotten. During this time I was taking a class so I decided to write that paper. Let me tell you this…..I didn’t really remember my thought process and how I structured my paper. The comments from my instructor the very next day were a little interesting……. Not in a bad way, I read “Great paper”, “Loved your thesis”, or “Very well laid out”. It’s not that my papers in the past were bad, I am generally in the 95-98% range of grades. However I got a 100 straight up and it shocked the hell out of me!!!! I went back to read the paper and it was a good paper, it was clear concise and to the point. The thing is this paper reflected my personality within the words, it felt like a “me” that’s been missing. I struggle with short and long term memory fog….I say it like that because that’s what it feels like. Sometimes I just don’t remember things, they just completely slip my mind. It’s something I started tracking back in 2012 when I realized something was off. When I smoke Blue Dream which is high in Sativa and a mix between Blueberry with a Haze, I am so clear. It was as if all the noise cleared up and allowed me to reach back without roadblocks. Talking about having your mind blown clear of all the cobwebs and being able to reach back to all those memories. THAT right there is why I love this plant!. Blue Dream makes me feel so balanced, honestly that’s one of my favorite strains. Oh by the way you can get CBD Blue Dream strain in flower and oil. Anyway for me smoking cannabis definitely opens my mind up and relaxes my body.
So about this cookie, Y’all know I like to bake right…..no surprise there lol. I really wanted to try making my own edibles. I love cookies so my first try out of the gate was chocolate chip cookies. I’m gonna brag here but I think I make the BEST DAMN chocolate chip cookie EVER lol. I got down to making me some cookies and I already had some butter I made earlier. I mixed up my cookies and added my special butter and THC oil. I added all my THC without really understanding how to work out the percentages per batch. Y’all when I say the cookies tasted SO good I am not exaggerating. It was so good that after eating a half of a half of the cookie, I decided to eat the OTHER half! We were going to Karaoke this night so I went upstairs to get ready. It took me all together about 25-30 minutes to get myself together.
I came back down and was considering eating another little piece because I DIDN”T FEEL ANYTHING! Y’all know the rule is to wait 1-2 hours before consuming more of an edible right? Wellllllllllll not me, I didn’t take the advice and I paid for that for about 2 days. So I did eat anther little piece and we left about 10 minutes after that. We went to pick up my step-daughter and continued on to the spot. It was during this ride that I realized how bad I had FUCKED up! I looked at my husband and said exactly that, and I spent the rest of that ride trying not to get sick because the motion of driving was kicking my TAIL! The rest of the evening was much of the same ending with me taking some CBD and sleeping it off. I had some CBD powder called Mondo that I LOVE. Its an edible Hemp Powder I found while researching online. I read that CBD acts as a counter for when you consume too much THC. I took a couple of spoonfuls (it just melts in your mouth) and fell asleep.
I made all the mistakes you could when trying edibles for the first time. I kinda wanted to push the envelope to understand how I felt or would feel if I over indulged. It was NOT fun and the only thing that helped was time the CBD I used to counter the effects. I don’t know what could work for you but CBD really does counter the effects.. you just have to find the ratio that works for you. I love sharing my experiences in hopes that something I share may be helpful to you😁. In case you want to try out Mondo the webpage is www.mondomeds.com
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